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Prayer and Fasting
Back to Sermon ArchiveNovember 3, 2024
Psalm 27: The Roller Coaster of Life
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 27:1–14
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October 29, 2023
Psalm 20: Pray In the Day of Trouble
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 20:1–9
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October 15, 2023
Psalm 17: Petition the LORD Often
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 17:1–15
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November 7, 2021
Psalm 10: When God Hides His Face
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 10:1–18
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October 24, 2021
Psalm 6: Tears Are Prayer
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 6:1–10
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October 17, 2021
Psalm 5: Praying for Judgment Upon Evildoers
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 5:1–12
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October 10, 2021
Psalm 4: The Lord Hears the Prayers of His People
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 4:1–8
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October 3, 2021
Psalm 3: Praying In Times of Trouble
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Psalm 3:1–8
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July 19, 2020
Gospel Centered Praying
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Philippians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Philippians 1:9–11
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June 21, 2020
Praying With Joy
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Philippians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Philippians 1:3–8
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November 18, 2018
How To Pray
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: The Acts Of The Apostles Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Acts 4:23–31
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September 3, 2017
Spiritual Warfare (Part 9)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Ephesians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Ephesians 6:18–20
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August 28, 2016
Experiencing Jesus' Love
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Ephesians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Ephesians 3:17–19
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August 21, 2016
Prayer Is The Key To Living
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Ephesians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Ephesians 3:14–17
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May 15, 2016
How To Pray For One Another
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Ephesians Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Ephesians 1:15–19
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February 14, 2016
Fasting Is A Tool To Hellp Us Pray
Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 2
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March 1, 2015
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: First John Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: 1 John 5:14–5:15
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January 12, 2014
Pray "Nevertheless, Your Will Be Done"
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 22:35–22:46
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May 26, 2013
Always Pray and Don't Lose Heart!
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 18:1–18:8
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May 13, 2012
Ask, Seek, Knock In Prayer
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 11:5–11:13
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March 25, 2012
The Lord's Prayer: Part 1
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 11:1–11:4
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February 12, 2012
Because God Is Sovereign, Therefore Pray Earnestly!
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 10:1–10:16
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June 26, 2011
The Prayerful Choosing of the 12 Apostles
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 6:12–6:16
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February 27, 2011
The Tender, Dove Like Anointing of Jesus
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 3:21–3:22
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January 9, 2011
A Call to Prayer and Fasting
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: Prayer and Fasting Passage: Luke 2:36–2:38
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