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The Resurrection

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January 9, 2022

Psalm 16: The Lord Is Our Shelter

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Psalms Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Psalm 16:1–11

July 29, 2018

Introduction To Acts

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: The Acts Of The Apostles Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Acts 1:1–2

April 5, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus Is Either a Lie or Historical Fact

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: The Resurrection Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:12–15:20

April 27, 2014

The Resurrection of Jesus Part 4: The Trans-physical Resurrected Body

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Luke 24:36–24:43

April 20, 2014

The Resurrection of Jesus Part 3: The Road to Emmaus

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Luke 24:13–24:25

April 13, 2014

The Resurrection of Jesus Part 2: The Women and the Empty Tomb

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Luke 24:1–24:12

April 6, 2014

The Resurrection of Jesus Part 1: His Burial

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Luke 23:50–23:56

September 15, 2013

The Rejected, Resurrected Stone Has Become the Cornerstone

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Luke Topic: The Resurrection Passage: Luke 20:9–20:18


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