
Our messages are available online! You can browse through our messages by series, topic, date or speaker.  You can also subscribe to our podcast using itunes or any other podcasting software.

January 26, 2025

Experiencing God In Truth

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: New Birth Passage: Romans 5:5–8

May 5, 2024

The Law Written On the Heart

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: New Birth Passage: Romans 2:12–16

March 21, 2021

The Upward Call of God

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Philippians Topic: New Birth Passage: Philippians 3:12–14

March 17, 2019

From Death To New Life In Christ

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: New Birth Passage: Acts 9:31–43

December 17, 2017

Cain and Abel: Two Types (Part 10)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: New Birth Passage: Genesis 3:15– 5:32

April 24, 2016

Adopted Into the Family of God

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Ephesians Topic: New Birth Passage: Ephesians 1:3–6

February 8, 2015

New Birth Overcomes the World

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: First John Topic: New Birth Passage: 1 John 5:1–5:5

December 7, 2014

New Birth: From Death to Life

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: First John Topic: New Birth Passage: 1 John 3:11–3:18

October 7, 2012

The Spirit's Activity Before Pentecost

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: The Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit Topic: New Birth Passage: Acts 2:1–2:4

September 30, 2012

Born Again By the Holy Spirit

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: The Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit Topic: New Birth Passage: John 3:1–3:8

October 25, 2009

What Does It Mean to be Born Again?

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: 1 Peter Topic: New Birth Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–1:4


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