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Back to Sermon ArchiveJanuary 21, 2024
Paul's Unique Authority
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Apostleship Passage: Romans 1:1–4
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March 3, 2019
If You Stand With Jesus, The World Will Hate You
Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Apostleship Passage: Acts 9:23–31
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February 17, 2019
Paul Meets Jesus On The Damascus Road
Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Apostleship Passage: Acts 9:1–19
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August 5, 2018
Jesus Acts and Teaches Today
Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Apostleship Passage: Acts 1:1–3
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April 12, 2015
What Is An Apostle?
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Galatians Topic: Apostleship Passage: Galatians 1:1–1:5
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