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May 27, 2018
Series Overview (Part 30)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Gospel
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May 20, 2018
The Mystery of Israel's Hardening (Part 29)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Election Passage: Romans 11:25
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May 13, 2018
The Effects of the Kingdom (Part 28)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God
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May 6, 2018
The Mystery of the Kingdom (Part 27)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 13
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April 29, 2018
Christ Reigns Over the Saved (Part 26)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 24:14
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April 22, 2018
The Kingdom of God Is Here, But Not Yet (Part 25)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Mark 1:14–15
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April 15, 2018
The Kingdom of Israel and the Prophets (Part 24)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Jeremiah 22:1– 23:8
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April 8, 2018
The Davidic Covenant (Part 23)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Davidic Covenant Passage: 2 Samuel 7:12–17
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March 25, 2018
The Beginning of the Kings of Israel (Part 22)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Sovereignty of God Passage: 1 Samuel 8:4–7
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March 18, 2018
Conquering The Promised Land (Part 21)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Sanctification Passage: Joshua 1:1–9
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March 11, 2018
The Sanctifying Power of Wilderness Wanderings (Part 20)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Sanctification Passage: Deuteronomy 8:11–18
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March 4, 2018
The Law: A Lesson Book for the Nations (Part 19)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Law Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:1–11
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February 25, 2018
The Essence of the Law (Part 18)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Law Passage: Romans 9:30–32
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February 18, 2018
The Mosaic Covenant (Part 17)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Mosaic Covenant Passage: Exodus 19–34
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February 11, 2018
The Exodus (Part 16)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Mosaic Covenant Passage: Exodus 1–15
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February 4, 2018
Faith Obeys (Part 15)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: James 2:14–26
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January 28, 2018
Abraham's Faith (Part 14)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: Hebrews 11:8–19
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January 21, 2018
The Abrahamic Covenant (Part 13)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Abrahamic Covenant Passage: Genesis 12:1–3
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January 14, 2018
Noah and the Flood (Part 12)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Judgment Day and the end Times Passage: Genesis 6–9
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January 7, 2018
Can God Change His Mind? (Part 11)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Sovereignty of God Passage: Genesis 6:1–8
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December 17, 2017
Cain and Abel: Two Types (Part 10)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: New Birth Passage: Genesis 3:15– 5:32
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December 10, 2017
Wrath Appeased at the Cross (Part 9)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Propitiation Passage: Isaiah 53
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December 3, 2017
Hell (Part 8)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Hell Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:6–9
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November 19, 2017
The Fall (Part 7)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Fall Passage: Genesis 2:4– 3:7
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November 12, 2017
Overflowing Love (Part 6)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Loving Others Passage: Mark 12:29– :31
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November 5, 2017
God Our Treasure (Part 5)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: Mark 12:29–31
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October 29, 2017
Why Did God Create? (Part 4)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Glory of God Passage: Genesis 1:1
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October 22, 2017
Trinity (Part 3)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Trinity Passage: Genesis 1:26–27
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October 15, 2017
Creation (Part 2)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Creation Passage: Genesis 1:1– 2:3
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October 8, 2017
Introduction: The Whole Counsel of God (Part 1)
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Glory of God Passage: Acts 20:27
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June 30, 2024
The Gospel Presentation
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Justification Passage: Romans 3:21–26
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June 23, 2024
No One Is Justified By Doing The Law
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Justification Passage: Romans 3:19–20
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June 9, 2024
No One Is Good, Not Even One
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Total Depravity Passage: Romans 3:9– 31:18
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June 2, 2024
Don't Misrepresent Paul!
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Election Passage: Romans 3:4– 31:8
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May 26, 2024
God Is Faithful To His Promise To Save The Jews
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: God's Promise to the Jews Passage: Romans 3:1– 31:4
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May 19, 2024
A True Jew Has A Circumcised Heart
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Jews and Gentiles Passage: Romans 2:25–29
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May 12, 2024
The Jews Dishonoring of God
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Jews and Gentiles Passage: Romans 2:17–25
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May 5, 2024
The Law Written On the Heart
Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: New Birth Passage: Romans 2:12–16
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Old Testament
- Genesis18
- Exodus3
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy2
- Joshua2
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel2
- 2 Samuel3
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles1
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms45
- Proverbs1
- Ecclesiastes2
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah4
- Jeremiah4
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel9
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai1
- Zechariah
- Malachi
New Testament
- Matthew17
- Mark13
- Luke147
- John60
- Acts92
- Romans63
- 1 Corinthians13
- 2 Corinthians1
- Galatians36
- Ephesians80
- Philippians56
- Colossians1
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians2
- 1 Timothy2
- 2 Timothy5
- Titus2
- Philemon1
- Hebrews92
- James4
- 1 Peter44
- 2 Peter1
- 1 John31
- 2 John1
- 3 John
- Jude2
- Revelation1
Primary Speakers
Newton Chilingulo
Bob Draves
Joe Lamay
Justin Lamay
Chisomo Masambuka
Richard Nix
Dennis Prager
Sergio Tangari
- Abortion3
- Abrahamic Covenant4
- Angels4
- Anger1
- Anxiety2
- Apologetics8
- Apostasy1
- Apostleship5
- Assurance of Salvation8
- Atonement5
- Audible Book2
- Authority and Submission in marriage4
- Baptism12
- Beatitudes1
- Brotherly Love4
- Christ Our Substitute3
- Christian Hedonism4
- Christmas22
- Church Discipline2
- Church Leadership7
- Church Life25
- Church Membership8
- Church/state tension2
- Conscience1
- Contentment1
- Controversy1
- Corrupt Speech1
- Creation3
- Death4
- Definite Atonement3
- Deity of Christ7
- Demons5
- Dennis Prager2
- Discipleship1
- Divorce and Remarriage4
- Doubt1
- Easter12
- Effectual Grace7
- Election14
- Employment1
- Eschatology4
- Eternal Security of Believers5
- Eulogy1
- Evangelism8
- Expository Preaching1
- Faith31
- Faithfull Word Ministry1
- Faithfulness2
- Fellowship2
- Finding God's Will1
- Forgiveness8
- Free Will2
- Gifts of the Spirit1
- God's Promise to the Jews1
- God's Testing of Our Faith1
- Good Friday1
- Gospel and Law6
- Grace4
- Having Quiet Times2
- Hell3
- Historical Evidences2
- Holiness3
- Holy Spirit7
- Home Groups2
- Homosexuality5
- Hope/Faith11
- Imprecatory Prayer1
- Imputation8
- Integrity1
- Intro to the Book of Romans1
- Jesus Our High Priest4
- Jesus Our Shepherd1
- Jesus' Trials2
- Jews and Gentiles6
- Joy2
- Judging Each Other2
- Judgment Day and the end Times8
- Justice1
- Justification20
- Killing In War1
- Legalism7
- Lindsey's High School Graduation 1
- Loving God2
- Loving Others14
- Lying1
- Marriage10
- Martyrdom1
- Miracles2
- Money12
- Mosaic Covenant6
- Mothers1
- Natural Law1
- New Birth12
- Noah's Flood1
- Old Testament Prophecy of the New Covenant3
- Parenting4
- Passover1
- Persecution7
- Perseverance11
- Prayer and Fasting 25
- Preaching4
- Pride1
- Propitiation3
- Recitation1
- Relationships1
- Repentance7
- Rewards1
- Sabbath2
- Sanctification41
- Satan4
- Seeker Sensitive2
- Sergio Tangari1
- Sex and Marriage4
- Sexual Immorality2
- Singing1
- Small Groups1
- Sovereignty of God8
- Spiritual Gifts4
- Stealing1
- Suffering20
- Temptation1
- Testimonies1
- Thanksgiving6
- The Apostle Paul4
- The Ascension of Christ2
- The Baptism In The Holy Spirit1
- The Blood of Christ1
- The Call To Preach1
- The Called1
- The Crucifixion1
- The Davidic Covenant1
- The Discipline of the Lord2
- The Fall3
- The Fear of God4
- The Gift of Tongues3
- The Glory of God5
- The Gospel4
- The Incarnation of Christ14
- The Inheritance of Heaven1
- The Kingdom of God25
- The Law7
- The Lord's Supper6
- The New Covenant3
- The Presence of God1
- The Promises of God1
- The Resurrection8
- The Sovereignty of God10
- The Suffering of Christ3
- The Trinity5
- The Two Wills of God1
- The Warnings In Scripture3
- The Word23
- The Wrath of God1
- Thinking1
- Timothy1
- Tithing1
- Tongues2
- Total Depravity1
- Truth3
- Types and Shadows1
- Unpardonable Sin2
- Walking by the Spirit4
- Wisdom1
- Worship10