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God's Purpose In Redemptive History

May 20, 2018

The Mystery of Israel's Hardening (Part 29)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Election Passage: Romans 11:25

April 29, 2018

Christ Reigns Over the Saved (Part 26)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Matthew 24:14

April 15, 2018

The Kingdom of Israel and the Prophets (Part 24)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Jeremiah 22:1– 23:8

April 8, 2018

The Davidic Covenant (Part 23)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Davidic Covenant Passage: 2 Samuel 7:12–17

March 18, 2018

Conquering The Promised Land (Part 21)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Sanctification Passage: Joshua 1:1–9

March 4, 2018

The Law: A Lesson Book for the Nations (Part 19)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Law Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:1–11

February 25, 2018

The Essence of the Law (Part 18)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Law Passage: Romans 9:30–32

February 18, 2018

The Mosaic Covenant (Part 17)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Mosaic Covenant Passage: Exodus 19–34

February 11, 2018

The Exodus (Part 16)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Mosaic Covenant Passage: Exodus 1–15

February 4, 2018

Faith Obeys (Part 15)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: James 2:14–26

January 28, 2018

Abraham's Faith (Part 14)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: Hebrews 11:8–19

January 21, 2018

The Abrahamic Covenant (Part 13)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Abrahamic Covenant Passage: Genesis 12:1–3

January 14, 2018

Noah and the Flood (Part 12)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Judgment Day and the end Times Passage: Genesis 6–9

January 7, 2018

Can God Change His Mind? (Part 11)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Sovereignty of God Passage: Genesis 6:1–8

December 17, 2017

Cain and Abel: Two Types (Part 10)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: New Birth Passage: Genesis 3:15– 5:32

December 10, 2017

Wrath Appeased at the Cross (Part 9)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Propitiation Passage: Isaiah 53

December 3, 2017

Hell (Part 8)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Hell Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:6–9

November 19, 2017

The Fall (Part 7)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Fall Passage: Genesis 2:4– 3:7

November 12, 2017

Overflowing Love (Part 6)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Loving Others Passage: Mark 12:29– :31

November 5, 2017

God Our Treasure (Part 5)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Faith Passage: Mark 12:29–31

October 29, 2017

Why Did God Create? (Part 4)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Glory of God Passage: Genesis 1:1

October 22, 2017

Trinity (Part 3)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: The Trinity Passage: Genesis 1:26–27

October 15, 2017

Creation (Part 2)

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: God's Purpose In Redemptive History Topic: Creation Passage: Genesis 1:1– 2:3

July 7, 2024

The Fear and Joy of King Jesus

Speaker: Joe Lamay Passage: Psalm 2:1–12

June 30, 2024

The Gospel Presentation

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Justification Passage: Romans 3:21–26

June 23, 2024

No One Is Justified By Doing The Law

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Justification Passage: Romans 3:19–20

June 16, 2024

How Long, O LORD?

Speaker: Richard Nix Passage: Psalm 13

June 9, 2024

No One Is Good, Not Even One

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Total Depravity Passage: Romans 3:9– 31:18

June 2, 2024

Don't Misrepresent Paul!

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Election Passage: Romans 3:4– 31:8

May 26, 2024

God Is Faithful To His Promise To Save The Jews

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: God's Promise to the Jews Passage: Romans 3:1– 31:4

May 19, 2024

A True Jew Has A Circumcised Heart

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Jews and Gentiles Passage: Romans 2:25–29

May 12, 2024

The Jews Dishonoring of God

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: Jews and Gentiles Passage: Romans 2:17–25

May 5, 2024

The Law Written On the Heart

Speaker: Joe Lamay Series: Romans Topic: New Birth Passage: Romans 2:12–16

Old Testament



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