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Sermons from 2019

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December 29, 2019

Come To Jesus

Speaker: Bob Draves Passage: Matthew 11:28–30

December 22, 2019

Christmas According To The Book of Hebrews

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Christmas Passage: Hebrews 2:14–18

December 15, 2019

How Can I Know the Will of God for My Life?

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Finding God's Will Passage: Acts 20:36– 21:14

December 8, 2019

The Joy and Freedom of Being A Giver

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Money Passage: Acts 20:32–35

December 1, 2019

The Fear of God

Speaker: Bob Draves Topic: The Fear of God Passage: Jeremiah 32:38–40

November 24, 2019

It Is Good To Give Thanks

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Thanksgiving Passage: Psalm 92

November 17, 2019

Guarding Against False Teaching

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Church Leadership Passage: Acts 20:29–32

November 10, 2019

Two Commands to Elders

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Church Leadership Passage: Acts 20:28–30

November 3, 2019

How To Persevere To The End

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Perseverance Passage: Acts 20:22–27

October 27, 2019

Paul: The Model of Church Leadership

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Church Leadership Passage: Acts 20:13–21

October 20, 2019

Paul: A Model of Faithfulness

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Faithfulness Passage: Acts 20:1–12

October 13, 2019

The Purifying Effects of Persecution

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Persecution Passage: Acts 19:21–41

October 6, 2019

The Deadliness Of Pragmatism In the Church

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Seeker Sensitive Passage: Acts 19:11–20

September 29, 2019

Evangelism, The Spirit, and The Word

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Evangelism Passage: Acts 19:1–10

September 22, 2019

Apollos, The Preacher/Teacher

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Church Life Passage: Acts 18:18–28

September 15, 2019

Jesus Is With Us In Our Fears

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Suffering Passage: Acts 18:1–17

September 8, 2019

Paul Preaches In Athens

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Effectual Grace Passage: Acts 17:16–34

September 1, 2019

Preaching To Discover The Elect

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Election Passage: Acts 17:1–15

August 25, 2019

The Contemplation of God

Speaker: Bob Draves Passage: Romans 4:16–25

August 18, 2019

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Faith Passage: Acts 16:25–34

August 11, 2019

Church Planting

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Effectual Grace Passage: Acts 16:11–29

August 4, 2019

Believe and Be Baptized

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Baptism Passage: Acts 16:11–33

July 28, 2019

The Spirit's Guiding

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Holy Spirit Passage: Acts 16:1–10

July 21, 2019

Loving During Personality Clashes

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Loving Others Passage: Acts 15:30–41

July 14, 2019

Love Considers the Conscience of the Other

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Loving Others Passage: Acts 15:12–29

July 7, 2019

Division Over the Gospel Is Necessary

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Gospel and Law Passage: Acts 14:24– 15:11

June 30, 2019

The Office of Elders

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Church Leadership Passage: Acts 14:19–23

June 23, 2019

How To Preach To Pagans

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Preaching Passage: Acts 14:8–20

June 16, 2019

Evangelism and Election

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Election Passage: Acts 13:42– 14:7

June 9, 2019

Biblical Evangelism

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Evangelism Passage: Acts 13:13–41

June 2, 2019

The Schemes of the Devil

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Satan Passage: Acts 13:4–12

May 26, 2019

Paul's Gospel and His Apostleship

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: The Apostle Paul Passage: Acts 13:4–12

May 19, 2019

The Preaching Call and Missions

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: The Call To Preach Passage: Acts 12:25– 13:3

May 12, 2019

To Oppose God's Glory Is to Lose in the End

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: The Glory of God Passage: Acts 12:18–24

May 5, 2019

Pain, Evil, and the Sovereignty of God

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Sovereignty of God Passage: Acts 12:1–17

April 28, 2019

Barnabas: A Good Man

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Brotherly Love Passage: Acts 11:19–30

April 21, 2019

Proofs Of The Resurrection

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Easter Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–9

April 14, 2019

Changing Is Hard

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Jews and Gentiles Passage: Acts 11:1–18

April 7, 2019

The Two Ingredients of Salvation

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Effectual Grace Passage: Acts 10:44–48

March 31, 2019

How To Do Evangelism

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Evangelism Passage: Acts 10:30–48

March 24, 2019

The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Justification Passage: Acts 10:1–29

March 17, 2019

From Death To New Life In Christ

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: New Birth Passage: Acts 9:31–43

March 10, 2019

Calm Your Soul By Hoping In the Lord

Speaker: Sergio Tangari Passage: Psalm 131:1–3

March 3, 2019

If You Stand With Jesus, The World Will Hate You

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Apostleship Passage: Acts 9:23–31

February 24, 2019

The Man Jesus Is God The Son

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Deity of Christ Passage: Acts 9:19–22

February 17, 2019

Paul Meets Jesus On The Damascus Road

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Apostleship Passage: Acts 9:1–19

February 10, 2019

Listen To The Holy Spirit's Leadings

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Holy Spirit Passage: Acts 8:26–40

February 3, 2019

False Conversions

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Faith Passage: Acts 8:9–25

January 27, 2019

Persecution & The New Sexual Revolution

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Persecution Passage: Acts 8:1–8

January 20, 2019

The Christian Doctrine of Death

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Death Passage: Acts 7:54– 8:1

January 13, 2019

Stephen's Sermon

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: The Warnings In Scripture Passage: Acts 7:1–53

January 6, 2019

Jesus Made The Temple Obsolete

Speaker: Joe Lamay Topic: Christ Our Substitute Passage: Acts 6:7–15


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